
Step into the world of IrriWatch

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Registration steps

If you are interested in an IrriWatch data subscription, please go to our portal and follow the registration procedure. There is a step-by-step document available on our Documentation page explaining how to sign up fields: https://portal.irriwatch.com/documentation. You can contact support@irriwatch.com if you have questions about the procedure.

Go to our portal to register your company’s account. Feel free to view the Open demo to see what the IrriWatch product contains. To sign up your fields and start a subscription, please go to the Sign up new fields page. You can cancel the subscription within the first 14 days.

There are two subscription packages available. The Premium package is the most completed package and the Dryland package is meant to follow production or nutrition only.

Select your 12 months period for IrriWatch data. The oldest date possible to start your IrriWatch subscription is 1st January 2019.

Specify the digital field boundaries of the plots you want to sign in for the IrriWatch service using shapefile, Google Earth file (KML or KMZ), a map, or draw your plots on the portal itself. The minimum area size requirement is 25 ha (Premium) or 100 ha (Dryland).

Specify essential information per field: crop type, soil type, and irrigation type. Optional information such as planting date, drought sensitivity, root depth, soil texture, and irrigation interval can be provided as well for more precise results.

If you have submitted your order request, the IrriWatch team will check your order and will come back to you by email.

Watch our Subscription tutorials